Food trends come and go but what has remained forever is the trend of adding juices of green vegetables and fruits to the weekly diet. Who could have thought that green apples and parsley with ginger would taste so delicious? But they do and make a trendy combo for juices and smoothies that has added nutrition to the many customers we have served.
I remember formulating our very first green juice for our menu 12 years ago. I have tried everything from bell pepper juice, cabbage juice and potato juices when I was first studied the art of juicing for health. I also grew up with a Mother who cooked vegetables every night and made them taste delicious! One thing I knew I had to do when starting the juice bar was how to make bitter veggies taste good for the general public.
Move With Grace is here with fantastic green juice blends blends of cucumber, parsley, kale, spinach, moringa, ginger and other nutrient dense foods that you must sip daily! Hop on below to learn about why you should add it to your daily diet. What are the EPIC ingredients you should add to your green juices to make them tasty? What are mistakes people make when making green juices?
I'm going to use our Epic Greens as the example of why you should drink a green juice every day. It carries the best ingredients to make your juice taste great.
#1 - Your body will thank you...almost immediately
Most likely, your ingredients are kept in the fridge. So a cooling cucumber will be refreshing to your lips, stomach and esophagus. Cucumbers add minimal calories to your daily nutrition intake. This frees you to find your calories elsewhere if you're trying to gain weight or keep your caloric intake low if you're trying to burn body fat, stay lean or keep your energy levels high. Highly hydrating, cucumbers are 96% water and help you absorb water soluble vitamins like vitamin b12, vitamin C and biotin. Think of the water from cucumber juice as the transport vehicle for the nutrients in the other nutrient dense ingredients! Trust me, green juices are better taken on an empty stomach.
Of course green juice may not solve all of our problems, but your skin, hair and nails will grow (and glow) like whoa!

#2 - Your liver will thank you second
We neeeed foods that are good for our liver and all dark leafy greens contain chlorophyll which can assist the liver in neutralizing toxic chemical and compounds. The liver loves the anti-inflammatory effects of ginger too. It takes a lot of greens to make a juice and we make sure to get as much as 2 ounces of greens in our epic greens so you're not overwhelmed with the bitterness unless you request more and want a more potent dose of K, C, E and A vitamins and minerals like iron and magnesium.
"For example, one cup (67 grams) of raw kale packs 684% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin K, 206% of the DV for vitamin A and 134% of the DV for vitamin C." – Healthline
#3 - Diabetes & heart disease is hurting our communities
We chose green apple as a base, which is more expensive but is lower in sugar than most common apple as our goal is a reduce your sugar intake. Significantly reducing my sugar intake has changed my life and i'm sure prevented a ton of suffering. Imagine if our relatives, neighbors and children watched us drink healthy foods everyday? One thing we need to go viral after two pandemic years is wanting us all to live a healthy lifestyle and bring joy back to our lives. To me, someone
with a green juice is showing ultimate love and appreciation for their lives. We can transform our world by loving ourselves one green juice at a time. Of course, no judgement if you like to eat ice cream three times a day. Some of us dream of that superpower. 😎

#4 - Every ingredient has purpose
This Epic Greens (Kale, Parsley, Apple, Cucumber, Ginger juice) from our juice bar at Move With Grace is loaded with fiber and helps clear up constipation giving you optimum flow for nutrient absorption. Even some fiber gets through the juicer which is great because apple's fiber is A+ for your colon! It also aids in weight maintenance. Ginger makes the perfect cough soother and is known to benefit gastrointestinal motility. Cucumber lowers your blood sugar levels and is full of antioxidants when juiced with the skin. We strategically chose green apple to benefit our customers. Parsley is just as special as the other ingredients. Parsley is high in Vitamin C making your skin glow; high in vitamin K which we need for strong bones and chlorpophyll can calm the stomach and cleanse bad breath. I know a couple of people that do not like the taste of parsley and I simply remove it from their custom juices and add more for the people that want extra!

#5 - Greens are EPIC
Farmers water and take meticulous care of each healthy leaf they grow which will one day end up in a salad bowl, juice or protein rich meal. Backyard gardeners are filled with abundance when they can give away easy to grow kale. Corporate workers know they're beating a statistic when they get a salad for lunch. And YOU can be epic when you add a daily green juice to your food intake every week. A juice is the easiest way to add greens for everyone from the busiest teach genius to most distracted tween thanks to our modern day lifestyle!

Buy one epic greens and get one free! This offer is valid until December 31st, 2022 to encourage you to drink a green juice every day. You should know exactly what's going into your food.
Leave a comment below if you have any questions!